The Gregory Brothers are a musical quartet hailing from Radford, Virginia, and now based in Brooklyn, New York. Specializing in comedy music and pitch correction, the group has gained popularity through their YouTube channel, Schmoyoho. NPR reported that the Gregory Brothers are responsible for some of the biggest viral songs of the past decade, following the success of their summer 2022 hits 'Chrissy Wake Up' and 'It's Corn'.
The Gregory Brothers consist of three brothers, Michael, Andrew Rose, and Evan, who contribute on drums/keyboard, guitar/bass, and keyboards, respectively. The fourth member, Sarah Fullen, plays guitar and bass and is married to Evan. The group formed in 2007 and all members provide vocals, often accompanying "songified" individuals.
Schmoyoho has gained widespread attention and popularity for the Gregory Brothers, and after ten years of activity, their channel reached three million subscribers in March 2017. The group has earned the most views by "songifying" the likes of Antoine Dodson, Charlie Sheen, Paul Vasquez, and Daymon Patterson. As a commemoration, the Gregory Brothers released a "mega-mashup" of their work, in which they highlighted their primary objective of generating "the maximum amount of happiness for the maximum amount of time."
The Gregory Brothers have created a unique niche for themselves by blending music, humor, and technology. They use pitch correction software, known as Auto-Tune, to manipulate audio from non-musical sources, such as news clips and speeches, into catchy, comedic songs. Their creative approach has garnered a significant following on social media platforms, and their music has been featured in films, TV shows, and commercials.
Overall, the Gregory Brothers have made a name for themselves by combining their musical talents with their comedic sensibilities and pitch correction skills. Their ability to transform ordinary audio into catchy and humorous songs has earned them a loyal fanbase and widespread recognition in the entertainment industry.