"S-Crew" is a renowned French rap group hailing from Paris. Formed in 2001, the group initially consisted of ten friends. Over time, the most dedicated members remained, forming a tight-knit core, primarily composed of Nekfeu, who is also a member of the group 1995, and the two brothers Framal and Mekra.
In 2008-2009, 2zer Washington started collaborating with them and eventually became a close friend. He was featured on their first project, "Same signature," and in 2010, he officially joined the team. The group is also accompanied by talented beatmakers, including DJ Elite, who worked with them on their album "Seine Zoo" and during their tours, and more recently, Hugz Hefner, who contributed to their album "Destins liens." All members are part of the L'Entourage collective.
S-Crew released their first mixtape, "Same Signing," in February 2010, followed by "Metamorphosis" in 2012. In 2013, they announced their debut studio album, "Seine Zoo," with the tracklist revealed in August of that year. "Seine Zoo" was published on September 30, 2013. The release of the album led to numerous interviews and live performances for national media outlets, including 20 minutes, Canal+ (Le Before du Grand Journal), and Skyrock. They embarked on the Seine Zoo Tour (2013-2014), which included notable shows at La Cigale in Paris in March 2014 and the Bataclan in October 2014.
After collaborating on the L'Entourage collective's album "Jeunes Entrepreneurs" in 2014 and Nekfeu's solo project "Feu" in 2015, the S-Crew regained momentum in 2016. They contributed to the French soundtrack of the film "Creed: The Legacy of Rocky Balboa." Their second studio album, "Destins liens," was released on June 17, 2016, and topped the French album charts.
In 2017, the S-Crew participated in the fourth edition of AbbéRoad, a charity concert organized by the Abbé Pierre Foundation, where they were given a carte blanche opportunity curated by Nekfeu.
After a six-year hiatus, the S-Crew announced their highly anticipated comeback with the release of a new album titled "SZR 2001" on June 10, 2022. The album features 16 tracks and 4 bonus songs, including collaborations with Alpha Wann, PLK, and Doums. Fans eagerly await the return of S-Crew and the fresh musical offerings they bring.