The Rocking Pigs is a unique idol group featuring four pig girls: Poa, Purri, Pahri, and Penar. They debuted on January 20, 2022, under PRP Entertainment, previously known as Pig-Net (P-NET). As the first-ever pig girl idol group, they’ve captured attention for their creative concept and distinctive style.
The Rocking Pigs are known for their rock-and-roll performances, blending lively music with an idol group's charm. Their songs focus on energy, fun, and connecting with their audience, earning them a growing fanbase. They’ve performed at various events, showcasing their talents as both musicians and entertainers. Their debut single received positive reviews for its catchy tune and playful lyrics, setting the tone for their unique identity.
Critics appreciate the group for breaking traditional boundaries in the idol industry. Their concept of anthropomorphic pig idols adds a fresh perspective, drawing both curiosity and admiration. While some reviews point out the niche appeal of the group, many praise their boldness and creativity. Fans, known as Pig Angels, are dedicated and enthusiastic, attending concerts and engaging with the group's activities.
An interesting twist in their story is the Pig Angels' affection for another group, The Hip Hop Pigs, a boy band specializing in hip-hop music. Each Rocking Pig member reportedly has a playful crush on members of the boy band, adding a fun, relatable layer to their persona.
The Rocking Pigs continue to grow as an idol group, exploring new styles and reaching out to more fans. With their energetic performances and imaginative concept, they have become a standout act in the entertainment world, proving that creativity and fun can lead to great success. Their journey as pig idols in the rock-and-roll scene is truly one of a kind.